Why Model United nations ?

Develop Global Awarenesss

MUN immerses you in current world issues and teaches you about the complexities of international relations.

Sharpen Your Skills

Public speaking, research, writing, critical thinking, and teamwork all get a boost through MUN participation.

Embrace Diplomacy

Learn to negotiate, compromise, and find common ground – essential skills for success in any field.

Meet Inspiring People

Connect with like-minded individuals from around the world who share your passion for global issues.

# Model United Nations (MUN)
# International diplomacy
# Global politics
# Negotiation skills
# Multilateral cooperation
# Model United Nations (MUN)
# International diplomacy
# Global politics
# Negotiation skills
# Multilateral cooperation
# United Nations simulations
# Public speaking
# International relations
# Policy debate
# Crisis resolution
# United Nations simulations
# Public speaking
# International relations
# Policy debate
# Crisis resolution
# Youth leadership
# Diplomatic protocol
# Resolutions drafting
# Committee sessions
# Country representation
# Youth leadership
# Diplomatic protocol
# Resolutions drafting
# Committee sessions
# Country representation

What is RYC

Rajasthan Youth Conference, an MUN conducting organization, was founded with the idea of spreading awareness about MUNs to students unfamiliar with the concept, and to introduce trending committees and agendas to those with experience.