The Secretariat

Nuh Chakkiwala

Secretary General

nuh chakkiwala

Dear Delegates,

Rajasthan Youth Conference is an esteemed educational institution renowned for its exceptional education and all-around growth. We offer a supportive environment for fostering academic brilliance, character development, and public speaking skills.

One of the distinctive features of RYC is the MUN simulations, which provide students with a unique opportunity to learn about international relations, diplomacy, critical thinking, and debating skills.
The MUN conferences have a goal of enhancing delegates' comprehension of global issues, promoting further research, and enhancing communication abilities. It is an excellent opportunity for future leaders to learn and grow. I look forward to seeing the students' impressive skills and knowledge on display at the MUN.

Warm Regards,
Nuh Chakkiwala
Rajasthan Youth Conference

Rakshit Bhargava


Dear Delegates,

The Model United Nations Conference (RYCMUN) for the year 2024 presents a unique opportunity for students to partake in structured debates, immersive educational workshops, and culturally enriching exchanges. This distinguished gathering aims to facilitate enduring relationships between global current affairs and the participating students.

Participation in MUNs cultivates a profound understanding of multifaceted global issues, hones public speaking, research, and negotiation skills, and nurtures innate leadership qualities. We await sharing our platform with great anticipation and enthusiasm.

We are confident that the forthcoming will prove to be a transformative and intellectually enriching experience for all participants.

Warm Regards,
Rakshit Bhargava
Rajasthan Youth Conference

rakshit Bharagava

Uditi Kalra

Executive Director

uditi kalra

Dear Delegates,

This conference marks a significant milestone as we bring together young minds to tackle global issues in a stimulating environment. Each agenda invites all of you to delve into issues that transcend any specific borders and demand collective action.

From critical issues such as addressing gender equality and nuclear non-proliferation to the ongoing refugee condition in various countries, we will address these issues of our world today. In addition, the conference will also tackle the complex issue of secularism in India, exploring its implications in a diverse society.

I encourage you to approach each agenda with an open mind, and a spirit of commitment to finding innovative solutions reflecting the resolutions of a united world. I extend my best wishes to every one of you for a fruitful and enlightening experience at RYCMUN 24’

Warm Regards,
Uditi Kalra
Executive Director
Rajasthan Youth Conference

Aditi Kumar

Head of Design and Content Creation

aditi kumar

Parth Chhabra

Director General of Information Technology

parth chhabra

Mudra Mehta

Chief Advisor

mudra mehta